The individual solution to the toughestdemands: AGM-RO.
Our high-pressure AGM-RO pump is top of the range -and on top of even the toughest conditions.
We developed the AGM-RO specifically for reverse osmosis. This pump stands up to all the demands which that process puts on it.
As seawater is such a diffcult medium,we planned its construction with duplex steel.And we gave the AGM-RO a compact design that perfectly masters huge osmotic pressures.Starting the pump puts minimum demands on membrane and materia.l
Top AGM-RO quality enables round-the-clock production of more thar 30,000m3/day per desalination train.Continuous optimisation ensures the best possible effciency and low energy consumption. Very smooth operation, increased service lives and easy maintenance are further hallmarks of this premium pump.
AGM-RO meets the highest demands and is top choice for seawater desalination.
Horizontal, radially split, medium-lubricated ring-section pump with radia impellers and plain bearings,axial or,on option,radial single-entry inlet,duples steel design.
Duplex stainless steel (standard).
super duplex stainless steel (on request).
Fluid pumped.
Seawater,chilled water